How do Shared Moped Work?

2024-03-26 15:42:09 Shenzhen Omni Intelligent Technology Co., LTD 0

  Shared mopeds typically work through an IoT solution which gets built-in IoT moped tracker and mopeds and ride share APP and cloud platform together,  operated by the moped-sharing service operators or mopeds fleet manufacturers directly.
  Registration and Account Setup:Users download the ride share app of the moped-sharing service and register for an account.

moped tracker

  Locating Nearby Mopeds:Using the ride share APP,users can locate nearby available mopeds through a map interface.The ride share app typically shows the mopeds'locations in real-time.

  Reserving a Moped:Users can reserve a moped through the ride share app for a specific duration,usually a few minutes to allow them time to reach the vehicle.

  Unlocking the Moped:Upon reaching the reserved moped,users can unlock it using the ride share app.This involve scanning a QR code on the vehicle or using Bluetooth connection technology to unlock it remotely.

  Riding:Moped users can start the moped and ride it to their desired destination.Shared mopeds have built-in GPS systems to provide navigation assistance so that users can get the notifications for their trip.

ride share APP


  Parking and Ending the Ride:Once the user reaches their destination,they park the moped in a designated parking area or according to local regulations.They end the ride through the ride share app,which locks the moped and terminates the rental period.

  Payment:Users are charged for the duration of their ride,typically based on time or distance traveled.The payment is processed through the app,and users may receive a receipt or invoice electronically,this function depends on the detailed request from different operators or fleet manufacturers.

  Maintenance and Redistribution:The moped-sharing service operators are responsible for maintaining the vehicles,including charging the batteries(for electric mopeds),servicing,and redistributing them to ensure availability across the service area.

  User Ratings and Feedback:Users have the option to rate their experience and provide feedback on the condition of the moped or the service provided by the moped-sharing company if adding a feature.

iot solution

  More and more shared mopeds are coming out.At present,shared mopeds offer a convenient and flexible transportation option for short trips in urban areas,providing users with an alternative to traditional modes of transportation like cars or public transit.This kind of ride share projects is beneficial for the ride sharing companies.

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