Who Are the E-bike Main Buyers in Europe and America?

2024-09-27 14:12:21 Shenzhen Omni Intelligent Technology Co., LTD 0

  The rise of E-bikes is transforming commuting habits globally.However,consumer groups differ across markets.This article summarizes

user profiles in four major regions—United States,Germany,France,and the Netherlands—based on the SevenSense E-bike industry report,

revealing key characteristics like age,gender,economic status,lifestyle,and media consumption habits.

  United States

  U.S.E-bike consumers are relatively young,with 41% aged 30-39,30% aged 18-26,20% aged 40-49,and only about 9% aged 50-64.Most

buyers come from middle to high-income families,with 56% reporting high household incomes.These consumers are often family-oriented

and reside in urban or suburban areas,embracing a modern lifestyle focused on quality.They prioritize life values,seek success and professional

growth,and enjoy outdoor activities like camping and skiing.In media consumption,38% and 37% of consumers learn about products through

streaming services and social media,respectively.Traditional media sources include television(46%),offline stores(40%),and travel advertisements(39%).

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  In Germany,27% of E-bike users are aged 30-39,but those aged 50-64 have the highest ownership rate at 30%.The gender distribution is

fairly balanced,with 55% male and 45% female riders.Economically,48% come from high-income households.E-bikes represent both convenience

and a high-quality lifestyle in Germany,with 66% of users living in diverse urban and rural communities.Consumers emphasize social interactions

and safety,with 57% valuing enjoyable social experiences and 40%focusing on product safety.Many are passionate about travel and outdoor

activities,with 50% engaging in various outdoor pursuits.Media habits show that search engines are the primary information source for 47%

of users,while online stores,video portals,and social media all exceed 40%.Traditional media,including direct mail(46%)and television(43%),

remains relevant,alongside offline stores and travel advertisements.

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  French E-bike consumers display a relatively even age distribution but trend younger,with 54% aged 18-39 and 29% in the 30-39 range.

Gender-wise,58% of owners are male and 42% female.Economically,42% come from high-income households,while 31%are from middle-income families.French consumers have diverse leisure interests,with travel(39%)and sports(38%)being top activities.Cooking,reading,and outdoor

pursuits also attract significant interest.In media consumption,44%prefer video portals for product information,followed by search engines

and social media at 31%each.Television remains a crucial platform for over half of users,while radio,offline stores,and travel ads also garner

notable attention.

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  The Dutch E-bike market features a balance of younger and older consumers,with 48% aged 18-39(27% aged 18-29)and 31% aged

50-64.Economically,46% of Dutch E-bike users come from high-income households,and 33% are in middle-income brackets.They value

enjoyable social interactions and a comfortable lifestyle,with safety considerations being important for 38%.Travel is a major interest for

55% of Dutch E-bike users.Media habits reveal that 40% learn about products through social media,while search engines,video portals,

official websites,and brand apps also serve as key information sources.Traditional media,such as television and radio,remain significant,

with 57% and 54% of users,respectively,while offline stores are vital,with 39% seeking product information there.

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